Best vitamin d foods
There are many types of vitamins in our body and one of which is vitamin D. By consuming foods that make up for vitamin deficiency in our body:
1. Milk: Milk contains calcium as well as vitamin D. You can consume milk to make up for vitamin D deficiency.
Read more: Best calcium foods
2. Eggs: Eggs are very important to fill the deficiency with vitamins in the body. Eggs are a protein rich food and also vitamin D rich food. So you can eat eggs to meet the needs of vitamin D in the body.
3. Salmon fish: We all know about salmon fish. You will get a good source of vitamin D in this fish. So, this fish can be an ideal food in meeting the needs of vitamin D in our body.
4. Tofu: Tofu is a good source of vitamin D that helps meet the vitamin D needs of humans. You can eat tofu to meet your vitamin D needs.
5. Mushroom: Mushroom is an essential food in meeting the requirement of vitamin D. So you can meet the needs of vitamin D in the body by eating mushrooms.
6. Orange juice: Orange juice is a favorite fruit juice for everyone and also this juice is rich in vitamin D.
7. Cod liver oil: Cod liver oil is a good source of vitamin D. You can meet the requirement of vitamin D in good quantity from cod liver oil.