Ways to keep your heart healthy

Heart is a very important and organ in our human body. We should all take proper care of the heart. We are engaged in various activities in our life for livelihood.

That's why we have a pressure of work. But overwork can put pressure on the heart. However, if there is extra worry besides work, it puts pressure on the heart.

We should all move forward without worrying. Studies have shown that many people of the world die due to heart attack and excessive smoking or drinking is one of the leading causes of heart attack.

So to keep our heart healthy we have to live a controlled life. If you follow these rules, you can keep your heart healthy, these are discussed below:

1. Exercise is a very important effective way to keep our heart healthy. It can be walking, running, cycling. Free hand exercise is good for your heart. There is no other substitute for exercise to keep your heart healthy.

But one thing has to be said and that is those who have heart problems should live according to the doctor's advice.

2. Always try to keep yourself stress-free. Being stress-free is good for your heart. Overwork or stress is not good for your heart. So try to do your daily work with peace of mind, and it's good for your heart.

3. If you want to keep your heart healthy and increase your heart power, then you must eat healthy food.

Oily and extra fatty foods are bad for your heart and cholesterol levels in your body will increase. Include vegetables in your daily diet. Green vegetables lower cholesterol levels and help reduce the risk of heart disease.

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